How to Identify a Good Photographer

Whether you’re a beginner taking up photography as a hobby or a professional looking to make money off of photography, there are skills that every photographer must have. Being a good photographer requires a good instinct and a sharp eye for detail. Someone who can create a shot out of seemingly mundane or inconsequential things.

What Makes a Good Photographer

If you’re looking for a good photographer it’s important to take note of some key skills that make a photographer stand out. Here’s how you can identify a skilled photographer. 


Whether you’re pursuing photography as a hobby or a profession, a skill that you must possess is creativity. Photography is about taking the most seemingly mundane things and finding something beautiful or meaningful within them. It is an inherently creative field that requires a vast imagination and curiosity. 

A good photographer will always be on the lookout for their next shot. They will see all of their surroundings as a possible opportunity to create something new.


Getting the perfect shot takes time. A good photographer will spend as much as they need to just to take a shot that they’re satisfied with. Whether it’s waiting for the right time of day or the right weather, skilled photographers take hours preparing themselves to take that perfect shot. 

Not to mention this also involves dealing with the models or the clients when they’re being difficult and contending with various other setbacks and hurdles. Patience is always a virtue, but when you’re a photographer it’s a necessity.

Positive Attitude

Of course, no one likes someone who’s always negative, but having a positive attitude here means being humble. It means to accept that there’s always room to grow and be receptive to criticism. The best photographers you meet will always be humble and acknowledge they’re not perfect.


Composition is the more crucial aspect of photography. A good photographer carefully sets the stage and understands the proper lighting for the required scene. They’re good at guiding the model on how to act when posing for a photo. They understand that each shot tells a story, and that their pictures convey a bevy of varied emotions. 


What separates Zdislaw Bekinski from H.R Giger? They are both extremely talented horror artists that have inspired countless works of fiction. What separates them is that their identity bleeds through their work. Zdislaw Bekinski’s works feel vast, hopeless and overwhelming, meanwhile, H.R Giger’s works feel cold and isolating (and also…very phallic).

Photography is similar. Legendary photographers like Annie Leibowitz and Steve McCurry all have a distinct identity to their photos that bleed through their work. As they go along, photographers need to develop an identity, a voice that can be heard through their photos.


Do I Need Expensive Equipment to Be A Photographer?

Contrary to popular belief, it is not actually necessary to spend copious amounts of money on the best possible equipment to be good at photography. All good photographers understand and work within the confines of their equipment. 

How Do I Find a Good Photographer?

Finding a good photographer can be a seemingly daunting process. It’s really not though. There are plenty of resources available that help in finding the right photographer for you. Social media apps such as Twitter and Facebook are treasure troves for finding photographers. Conveniently, you can also see their portfolio and contact them immediately if you click with them. 

Photography is a vast field that requires time, effort, patience and most importantly, passion. All the best photographers in the world had a passion and love for their field. Anyone who has all these qualities is guaranteed to be a fantastic photographer. 

For more about photography, check out our professional fashion photography section.

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